Surazal did a wonderful job on that wizard, it auto detects everything compatible you have installed and makes all the necessary selections itself, and when you run the wizard its over before you blink, waiting on you putting a tick in the box on the finish Even though you dont need to create a Wizard for that one, its worth a look how Surazal approached that one if you haven't seen it and Thank you both for all the help and pointers. See this screenshot from WBPG, the last note at the Sensual Walks does not need anything done for it - If you grab the Sensual Walks for Wrye Bash Users v8-4-2 file, extract the archive first, then from the extracted files grab the Sensual Walks For Female NPCs.7z and just throw that into Bash Installers folder, it already has a Wizard and is in BAIN friendly format.
If you want to uninstall DarkUI Darn at a later date, you need to set Oblivion fonts back to normal. Use & abuseĮdit : PS having those fonts set correctly for DarkUI Darn is important, stops your game loading if not correct.
In fact, the INI Tweaks could be made to be part of the whole installer instead of a separate BAIN. I also did an INI Tweak to accompany that guide to make the necessary changes for fonts required. Have a look at Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for DarkUI Darn, I did a walkthrough converting it so that may help with a BCF construction.